Latest Version: 1.7.7Tablets & 1.3.7Phones
Required: Android 3.1++
Size: 47MB
Adobe Photoshop Touch Paid Apk Full Free Android - Transform your images with core Adobe Photoshop features in an app
designed for tablets. Combine images, apply professional effects, share
results with friends and family through Facebook – all from the
convenience of your tablet.
- Use popular Photoshop features designed for the tablet such as layers, selection tools, adjustments, and filters to create mind-blowing images.
- Use your tablet camera to fill an area on a layer with the unique camera fill feature.
- Select part of an image to extract by scribbling with the Scribble Selection tool. With Refine Edge, use your fingertip to capture even hard-to-select image elements, like hair, with ease.
- Work on high-resolution images while maintaining the highest image quality. Supports images up to 12 megapixels.
- Follow step-by-step tutorials to easily learn techniques the pros use for great-looking results.
- Search and acquire images with the integrated Google Image Search.
- Share images on Facebook and view comments right within the app.
- Browse an inspirational gallery for the styles and results you’d like to achieve.
- Upload projects to Adobe Creative Cloud* and open layered files from Adobe Photoshop Touch in Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CS5.1.
What’s New
- Creative Cloud automatic sync is disabled; Sync files manually
- Updated manual upload/download functionality for Creative Cloud
- Various bug fixes provide an improved overall experience
Adobe Photoshop Touch v1.7.7(Tablets) Apk
Adobe Photoshop Touch v1.3.7(Phones) Apk
Adobe Photoshop Touch v1.7.5 Apk
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